Free educational material in the electrical
power field, modern languages, programming,
applications, OSs and smart phones. Site is still under construction.
The free educational sites are: site1, site2, site3 (using joomla), site4 (using drupal), site5 (a site built under google sites adapted to mobile phones), site6, another site built under google sites using a mobile template, site7, site8 (using joomla), site9 (using joomla), فكرة في حب مصر م هانى خير
Blogs & forums: blog1, forum1.
Specialized blogs: Building web sites, Smart phones & their apps, Linux, programming & software, Power systems analysis tools, Electrical Power Distribution, Switchyards (outdoor substations), Switchgear & circuit breakers.
Tumblr blogs: General, a summary blog for other related free educational sites, electrical power systems, modern languages, building web sites, smart phones and their apps, Linux, programming and applications.
The available news (RSS) feed for the above sites/blogs/forums are: RSS feed of site1, RSS feed of site2, RSS feed of site3 or RSS feed of site5.

  1. smart phones & their applications. Did you know that:
  2. Linux, programming and applications, click here
  3. You will learn how to build your web site in half an hour using joomla, drupal or HTML
Hany Kheir
You can find us on google+, twitter, at linkedin , Follow Me on Pinterest, BeKnown, meait or skillpages . You can find us also at Slideshare , or join us at slideshare electrical power systems group. You can find us as well on

Articles on and books & articles on Scribd
Blog , Educational site built using Joomla, PHP section
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feed from another educational site built under google sites
Feb., 2013
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